Monday, December 9, 2013

Why I've Been Gone...

I promise I have a good excuse for the last 2 weeks...

I have a friend named Allison who just survived her 5th open heart surgery. As happy as everyone is that she is okay, her little family has medical bills coming out their adorable ears! A bunch of us put together a craft boutique where 100% of the funds would go to the DenBoer family :)

So I've been making these:

I made 12 of each card for a grand total of 120 cards!!! I figure I have the supplies and I can make the time... but I have no cash... so this is the next best thing I can do!

You can make some pretty cool things out of some pretty inexpensive pieces of wood:

9 stacking trees out of one 2x2!

6 snowmen out of one 2x4! (Thank you Tif for doing the faces)

And 5 groups of presents from one 4x4!

ps- all those wood measurements are totally off bytheway. Men!

Allison and her youngest daughter have Marfan's Snydrome. She is an inspiration! It's almost annoying how positive she always is despite the past 10 years of her life! You can read all about her story and participate in an online auction HERE. Or email me and I can help you help her :)


That's why I've been gone!

And it was soooo worth it!

Get better Allison!!!

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